News and Events
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- Aditus
The Book and the Spirit - new exhibition
In the Kirk Kerkorian Exhibition Hall of the Library, the exhibition The Book and the Spirit was inaugurated on October 25th, commemorating the
750th anniversary of the deaths of Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio and Saint Thomas Aquinas.
The exhibition is open until December 14, 2024, according to a specific schedule and subject to availability.
For more information:
International Workshop on the Statue of St. Hippolytus
Save the date: 16 May 2024, Vatican Library - International Workshop on the Statue of St. Hippolytus
Founded in 1987, the Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae have always been housed in the series Studi e testi published by the Vatican Library ...
Disegni del secolo XIX del fondo Ashby
Con questo volume i curatori hanno inteso documentare i risultati della loro ricerca su circa cinquecento disegni e acquerelli del XIX secolo..
Aditus 06
Between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 the Vatican Apostolic Library presents two publications with which to inaugurate a new collection in one of its historic book series: Documenti e riproduzioni...
Aditus 05
On Friday, 5 November, His Holiness Pope Francis came to the Vatican Library to inaugurate the new permanent exhibition space and its first show «Tutti. Umanità in cammino».
As its subtitle makes clear – «From Travel Cartography to Utopian and Allegorical maps: the Vatican Apostolic Library Meets Pietro Ruffo » ...
Information for Readers
- Approved Ammissions
- Support for the Study
- Special Project
- Photographic reproductions
Admission in BAV
- researchers and scholars with appropriate qualifications and/or relevant scientific publications;
- teachers and researchers at Universities and other institutes of Higher Education;
- graduate students (laureati) who are pursuing research for a doctoral dissertation;
- in exceptional cases, undergraduate students who can demonstrate that they need to consult material which is available only at the Vatican Library;
- it is not open to High School students, nor, as a rule, to undergraduate University students;
Admission Criteria
The following Regulations are intended above all to assure scholars the working conditions appropriate to a place of study and research.
Therefore, scholars are exhorted to read them carefully and to respects the norms scrupulously.
Rules for Readers
All readers admitted to the Library are required to comply with the following Rules for Readers in order to ensure to scholars the same working conditions worthy of a place of study and research
Temporarily unavailable Manuscripts
Manuscripts that can not be consulted for conservative reasons or why temporarily restored or on display.
Travel with Dante
Preview of the online exhibition on the occasion of the 7th centenary of Dante Alighieri’s death (1321-2021)
IIIF Thematic Pathways
The library has promoted a research activity that makes use of IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) technology for the creation of annotations on the folios of the digitized manuscripts (transcriptions, comments on texts, glosses, illuminations, writings, identification of scribes, owners, illuminators) relating to specific selections of manuscripts.
RICI - Books and Libraries of religious orders in Italy at the end of XVI cent.
Codices Vaticani Latini 11266-11326 include the lists of the titles of the books owned by the religious of the Italian convents and monasteries, acquired by the Congregation of the Index of Prohibited Books after the publication of the Index librorum prohibitorum by Pope Clement VIII in 1596.
Reproductions for private study
It is possible to order photocopies (only for printed books published between 1601 and 2008), black & white photographs, color photographs, microfilms, or CD-ROMs made from microfilms (in the case of printed books, only if they were published before 2008), from manuscripts or from photographs of objects. Completed order forms may be submitted to the distribution desks or sent by mail to the Library.
Reproductions for professional use
It is possible to order photographic or other types of reproductions for publication by using the appropriate order forms. Fees include the cost of the reproductions plus the publication rights.
School of Library Science
- News
- Didactics
- Secretariat and Direction
Chusura estiva - segreteria
La segreteria della scuola vaticana di Biblioteconomia riaprirà il 28 Agosto.
Avviso per ammessi e riserve A.A. 2023-2025
Pubblicata la lista degli ammessi e riserve al biennio accademico 2023-2025
Subscribe to school
Le iscrizioni per l'anno accademico 2020-2021 si aprono il 15 febbraio 2020 e si chiudono il 15 maggio 2020termine ultimo entro il quale dovranno pervenire le domande (farà fede il timbro postale).
Per l'ammissione occorre presentare:
- Modulo d'iscrizione debitamente compilato e sottoscritto in originale (disponibile sul sito WEB della Scuola, in Segreteria o presso la portineria della Biblioteca);
- Curriculum vitae con elenco di eventuali pubblicazioni;
- Lettera di presentazione rilasciata da una istituzione accademica, ecclesiastica, dal datore di lavoro o da persona autorevole;
- Fotocopia del titolo di studio (laurea o licenza canonica) e certificazione degli esami sostenuti;
- Fotocopia di un documento d’identità in corso di validità;
- Due fotografie formato tessera aggiornate.
- Lettera motivazionale contenuta in massimo 2000 battute.
Director and Faculty members
Mons. Cesare Pasini | Antonio Manfredi |
Raffaella Vincenti | Bibliografia e reference |
Andreina Rita | Bibliologia |
Paul Gabriele Weston | Biblioteca digitale |
Francesco D'Aiuto | Il libro manoscritto antico, medievale e moderno |
Giuseppina Cerri | Ordinamento generale e servizi di biblioteca |
Carlo Federici | Conservazione e restauro del libro |
Antonio Manfredi | Storia delle biblioteche |
Paul Gabriele Weston | Teoria e tecnica della catalogazione e della classificazione |
Structure and Services of the School
Orario segreteria:
- Lunedì: 9.00-17:30
- Martedì 9.00-17.30