Photographic reproductions may be requested by using the appropriate online order forms.
Once the order is submitted, a price quote will be provided. Orders are processed only after Requestor's confirmation; payment in advance is required.
Some digitized manuscripts are freely available online (JPG colour with watermark): check the list.
Some digitized incunabula are freely available online (JPG colour with watermark): check the list.
Applying for photographic reproductions implies agreement to use the materials in accordance with international property and copyright laws.

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It is possible to order reproductions of items from the Library's collections: manuscripts, printed books - published between 1601 and 10 years before the current date - or objects. Fees are mentioned in the form.


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It is possible to order reproductions of the Library's items for publication purpose by using the appropriate online order forms. Fees are mentioned in the form and include the cost of the reproductions plus the publication rights

Requests for very high resolution digital files (and for the rights to use them) and for particular purposes such as musical performances, reproduction of scores, temporary exhibition, film or television productions or multimedia products must be submitted to the Library in advance for approval, by writing an email detailing the nature and purpose of the project to:



  • Dr Ilaria Ciolli: contact by email
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.; Monday and Thursday: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Telephone: +39/06698.79455
  • Fax: +39/06698.79506
  • OFFICE: contact by email

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