General info and Frequent Ask Questions


The Vatican Library is an institution intended exclusively for research. Access to its rooms is allowed only to scholars with a regular library card; there are no individual or group visits.

Bibliographic information

Qualified staff is in charge of reference services and information access provided to library users seeking information for a basic libray orientation as well as for the use of the OPACs in relation to the Library collections.

The following types of requests are not taken into consideration:

- research on topics that go beyond the context of the Library;
- general researches (religious or broadly cultural);
- compilation of selected and/or analytical bibliographies;
- delivery of articles or other documentation.

Before submitting the request, to detail as much as possible, please visit the following pages:
   Rules for Readers
   Online catalogues
   The collections


La Biblioteca non effettua servizio di prestito interbibliotecario (Interlibrary Loan, ILL); è prevista invece la fornitura di riproduzioni di documenti (Document Delivery), secondo le condizioni e le limitazioni indicate negli appositi moduli da compilare.

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The Library reserves the right not to respond to requests that go beyond its own domain

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