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July 17, 2023 08:05

Chusura estiva - segreteria

La segreteria della scuola vaticana di Biblioteconomia riaprirà il 28 Agosto.

July 17, 2023 08:05

Avviso per ammessi e riserve A.A. 2023-2025

Pubblicata la lista degli ammessi e riserve al biennio accademico 2023-2025

February 15, 2023 11:09


Sono aperte le ISCRIZIONI per il Biennio accademico 2023-2025

July 19, 2022 10:43

Calendario esami

Anno accademico 2021-2022
Sessione autunnale

May 09, 2022 15:41


Chi voglia conoscere più da vicino la Scuola e porre domande alla Direzione e ai docenti è invitato al prossimo Open day della Scuola Vaticana di Biblioteconomia, che si terrà a distanza il 17 maggio 2022, alle ore 18.00 sulla piattaforma ZOOM

April 27, 2022 08:48


La Direzione della Scuola Vaticana di Biblioteconomia comunica che le iscrizioni al biennio accademico 2022-2024 sono prorogate al 31 maggio prossimo.

April 28, 2021 13:22

Calendario esami

Anno accademico 2020-2021
Sessione estiva

September 29, 2020 10:44


Per tutta la durata dell’emergenza sanitaria al fine di limitare il più possibile l’accesso presso i locali della Scuola si raccomanda a chiunque avesse necessità di informazioni di privilegiare gli strumenti di comunicazione a distanza ...

April 30, 2024 11:27

International Workshop on the Statue of St. Hippolytus

Save the date: 16 May 2024, Vatican Library - International Workshop on the Statue of St. Hippolytus

February 14, 2024 09:09

Exhibition Souvenirs de Babel

It is possible to book your visit to the exhibition “Souvenirs de Babel” which will take place at the Vatican Library from March 1 to June 22, 2024

February 15, 2023 11:09

New Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Don Mauro Mantovani, S.D.B., until now Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Salesian Pontifical University of Rome, Italy, as Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library

November 17, 2022 13:41

The Vatican Apostolic Library Meets Irma Boom

Reservations are now available for our newest exhibition «Book! Boom! La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana incontra Irma Boom», which will occur at the Vatican Library from 18 November 2022 until 25 February 2023

September 13, 2022 12:29


COVID19: Access to the Library

July 12, 2022 08:23


We wish to remind you that the Library will be open to readers until Friday 15 July 2022.
It will reopen on Friday 16 September 2022.

December 29, 2021 11:15


From Wednesday 1 June 2022 access to the Library will no longer be subject to booking and handing in the self-declaration.
The obligation to show the reinforced Green Pass, to undergo body temperature measurement and to wear the FFP2 protective mask remains confirmed.

July 12, 2021 11:54


We wish to remind you that the Library will be open to readers until Thursday 15 July 2021. It will reopen on Thursday 16 September 2021.

October 17, 2024 12:11

OWL 31

OWL nr. 31, July-September 2024

July 22, 2024 14:46

OWL 30

OWL nr. 30, April-June 2024

April 11, 2024 12:38

OWL 29

OWL nr. 29, January-March 2024

December 22, 2023 13:41

OWL 28

OWL nr. 28, October-December 2023

October 10, 2023 14:19

OWL 27

OWL nr. 27, July-September 2023

July 10, 2023 17:36

OWL 26

OWL nr. 26, April-June 2023

April 17, 2023 08:49

OWL 25

OWL nr. 25, January-March 2023

December 21, 2022 12:35

OWL 24

OWL nr. 24, October-December 2022

April 11, 2024 12:38


Founded in 1987, the Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae have always been housed in the series Studi e testi published by the Vatican Library ...


La Persia istoriata in Roma

Frutto di una ricerca originale, il volume traccia la storia delle memorie concernenti..


Disegni del secolo XIX del fondo Ashby

Con questo volume i curatori hanno inteso documentare i risultati della loro ricerca su circa cinquecento disegni e acquerelli del XIX secolo..


La Storia di Bayad e Riyad (Vat. ar. 368)

Il volume offre una nuova edizione del testo del manoscritto Vaticano arabo 368, contenente la storia di Bayād e Riyād (HadītBayādwaRiyād), e la traduzione italiana.

February 01, 2022 10:15

Aditus 06

Between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 the Vatican Apostolic Library presents two publications with which to inaugurate a new collection in one of its historic book series: Documenti e riproduzioni...

November 24, 2021 08:26

Aditus 05

On Friday, 5 November, His Holiness Pope Francis came to the Vatican Library to inaugurate the new permanent exhibition space and its first show «Tutti. Umanità in cammino».
As its subtitle makes clear – «From Travel Cartography to Utopian and Allegorical maps: the Vatican Apostolic Library Meets Pietro Ruffo » ...

October 12, 2021 08:37

Aditus 04

In recent months the Vatican Apostolic Library has completed work on a Permanent Exposition Hall. Comprising two rooms, the new space is located just off the top of the grand entrance staircase to ensure that its visitors do not disturb the work of our readers and researchers ...

September 07, 2021 09:31

Aditus 03

On Thursday, 16 September, the Vatican Apostolic Library will reopen to researchers after its customary summer break ....

August 06, 2021 08:35

Aditus 02

Since Friday, July 16, the Vatican Apostolic Library has closed its doors to scholars and researchers for the usual summer two-month period. Two months of which only two weeks will be completely closed - exactly from 9 to 22 August ...

July 15, 2021 09:07

Aditus 01

A long, progressive, mysterious series of details, concerning which not only is the overall design unclear but even their exact order or number is obscure: this is how the Vatican Apostolic Library presents itself to the online public ...

July 08, 2021 09:45


As the Vatican Apostolic Library initiates a new online presence, the problem arises of what name to give it. It needs a title that would be synthetic and meaningful, comprehensive but immediately clear. A single word that, on the one hand ...

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